OMG this is awesome!!!
U fucking rula that FL studio!!
Trancechorder may not be the best sound in this song because it sounds bad on some notes so u have to get every note righ, try it with another sound and it will be godlike! (Wonder where u got the name from? Hmmm... ;D)
hehe xD
Awesome! Hilariuos
U fucking rule that guitarr!! :D :D :D
:D Thanks! I try my best! Soon I will have a demo song of our band up here, as soon as my BASSIST RECORDS HIS PART!! I have honestly been waiting weeks when we could have had it done in one day....
Holy crap!
This is seriosly the best song i've ever heard (I think) I love everything in this song, and the name is excellent because im thiniing at the future when I hear this, ur'e awesome man, please make more like this song! :D
Thank you
I just love the start when the kick starts, it was just perfect! Please make more songs like this one :D
I'll try, but this one was sort of a try at benni benassi's style. I'm not an expert at house, but I'll try nonetheless
This is fucking awesooome!!! :D
:) :) Glad you liked it :)
HAHAHA!!! AWESOME!!! U STOLE MY SQUISHY NOISE!! :D :D :D OH NOES!!! MY SQUISHY NOISE!!! Anyways good job old friend! Ur progress is coming forward, but I have to crush u with an horrible truth D: , ready? still reading? OMG here it comes! This melody is from a song!!! OMFG!! U remixed it a bit but I can hear that its the same song :P but u kind of remixxed it, goooood job pal!!! :D :D :D OMG u read my whole review! Nice job!
yes its a remix, i forgot to say that! Im sorry what? Srry master for my let down. By the way you did not copyright the sound so dont you dare tell me what i stole.
As I said before, u finally master backgrounds sounds, bass, drum beats and synths!! This really rocks!!! Ur up in 4 downloads wich is great!!!
Hloy fuck!
U are not a begginner anymore!!! This is awesome, ur using bass, synths drum beats and everything perfect!
hehe thanks
Age 30, Male
Joined on 4/16/09